Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Ups and Downs

As the oldest members of the team, we are finding that the younger members have a lot more stamina than we do! The work projects have given us aches, pains, and sunburn, but we are grateful for the energy to do the work. We have sanded concrete (a new experience for all of us). John and Brian tried their hands at stucco...didn't have much success. Our big success was removing 4 large Ecuadorian cacti. It was sticky work...as in we all got poked with the cactus spines. Our work project today was shoveling a truckload of sand into their sandbox.
I have worked with the toddlers twice. It is definitely a different experience...the language barrier makes it difficult to communicate with the workers. The way they handle some of their routines is quite different than the way we do it in the states. Although it could be distressing to watch, we continued to serve as they requested. That was one of the most difficult things for me to do.
John and I ended up staying at the apartment on Sunday, missing the village trip, due to illness. We have discovered that the food and drink doesn't always agree with us. The day of rest helped us recover.
Today is our 25th wedding anniversary. The "kids" are treating us to a night alone at the apartment with a lasagna dinner (which I have been craving). They are having dinner out and then heading back to the Ark for glow-stick capture the flag.
John and I have been out of our comfort zone in many ways on this trip. But I asked God to show Himself to us on this adventure, and He has in many ways. I have been blessed by Rosalia, Daniel, and Christian, all special-needs kids at the Ark. Chatting with Ron, Glenda, and their kids shows us their commitment to Ecuador and the needs of these kids. Watching the kids interact, the compassion they show one another, we can tell they are truly loved and cared for. We have also been blessed by the "kids" on the mission team -- their prayers for us and this trip have been inspiring. We thank all of you for your support, prayers, and encouraging words.


  1. You go, girl! We Ladies of Grace are proud of our representative.

    Give our prayers to all.

    The Tuesday Night Bible Study

  2. Hope you enjoyed your anniversary.Thanks for stepping out of that comfort zone to serve in Ecuador.
