Monday, August 2, 2010

Pray for the Group

1)Pray that in everything we do we would bring glory to God. The point of this trip is to point to Him. So pray that we would not become self-focused, but that we would have our eyes fully fixed on Jesus and that we would all listen to and obey Him.

2)Pray that God teach us all something through this trip that will have a lasting focus on our lives and the lives around us.

3)Pray that we will be bold in sharing the gospel through the love of Christ with those we come in contact with while we are there. And that God would already be working in the hearts of those we come in contact with.

4)Pray that our team would be flexible, humble and that we would have team unity.

5)Pray for safe and smooth travel We are flying from Chicago tomorrow and stopping in Miami before heading down to Quito. Pray that check-in and security will be smooth. We also have a very short layover so please pray that we will make our next flight without any trouble. Then on Wednesday morning we will be riding a bus down to Riobamba. Pray that there will be no car trouble and no motion sickness as we head down.

6)Pray that Abbey Graeber would receive her passport today. Her and Chad turned their applications in at the same time and Chad has received his, but she has yet to receive hers. So pray that it would come this morning please! We all want her to go and it would be heartbreaking if she didn't get to go with us. I will be sure to let you know if she gets it.

Thank you everyone again for praying for us! We can't wait to share this experience with you! We will probably not be posting anything tomorrow because we will be traveling all day, but we will hopefully get a blog posted on Wednesday night.


The Ecuador Team


  1. Praise the Lord Who reigns over the United States Postal Service!!!

  2. I have lived in Quito for over 16 years, I am happy to help with any questions you might have about the country. Patrick-
